
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

PFM (Mock) Evaluation Test

Dear PFMs
Please note that your dresscode for this sat is : FULL UNIFORM

Fall in by 8am in front of the flag post. Afterwhich, uniform inspection will be conducted before the theory test is administered.

Theory test will be a 1 Hr 30 Min paper, which comprises of 13 pages. Ideally this will be done by 11am.

Next, your will be split into groups for different practical tests before coming back as a squad of PFM for your final evaluation: Drill (Practical).

Once again, this is a reminder that you need to score 70% and above for EACH component before we allow you to go BBHQ for the real evaluation test.

We hope that we can dismiss you at 1pm, but all the timings are dependent on whether the discipline standard and our standards are met.

Mr Bay

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dear FAAs (Founder's Award Applicants) a.k.a. PFMs

(refer to October 14th post)

Do revise for your target, adventure, citizenship, drills and first aid.

You guys should know that we Officers and Instructors had already set the papers for your mock assessment test.

The papers we set are to get you ready for your actual one, do ask us if you have any doubts during your revision.

On a side note, the assessment is the first filtering of FAAs. If you guys failed for this first round, there goes your Founder's Award. And you passed, the rest of the upcoming projects shouldnt be any problems for you all.

God bless and give you strength and stamina for the things you do


Terence =)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Key events till the end of year (subjected to changes)

1. FM mock test - 1 nov, 8am to 1pm
2. FM actual assessment - 8 nov, 8am to 6pm
3. NE in lieu - SANA

To do:
a. Find 2 more in lieus on your own
b. Find out the dates available for ur sharity gift box as a PFM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lifeskills 3 results (edited)

Here are the results of your Lifeskills 3 projects. Those who have passed(in no order):
1. Gasper
2. Andy
3. Junhao
4. Marcus
5. Dinghan
6. Buntharah

Mr Bay

Note: FMs are supposed to be responsible and should take initiative. IF you are unable to meet any deadlines, you should have the courtesy to initiate any changes to the officer/primer in charge.
Officers/primers in charge will still have the final say as to whether they want to change the deadline or not.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Expectations from a Founders Men of a Founders Men

Hey potential FM

Hope that by the time you are reading this post, you have already submitted your lifeskills 3 homework, and preparing your evaluation test.

Well, basically, this post is all about expectations. My expectation of a Founder's Men in the 45th Singapore Company from a Founder's Men himself.

I am really encouraged by the number of Boys who have indicated that they want to attempt for the Founder's Badge and well, it is a good start. The zeal and passion to attempt for the highest award in the Senior Section of BB is something that your should be proud of.

In this journey, your leadership skills, BB knowledge and practical skills will be accessed not only by the Company, but also BBHQ. This ensures that the standard of the FM is the same across the Companies in Singapore. It is a good start.

However, in my opinion, which is shared shared among the officers and primers of the Company, FM isn't just about BB knowledge, skills and the practical skills and knowledge you attain in the awards itself. It is more than that. It about this character that has been shaped by the officers, primers and seniors in the Company, this 'inner Gold' that Mr Lim has been talking about.

Stop, think and reflect. How far are we away from this 'inner Gold'? What can we do to improve ourselves?

Firstly, this integrity that all of us must have. We must not have a double life. That is to say, we behave in a way in front of Boys and behave differently after parades. Your uniform and discipline in school, in parade, after/before parade speaks alot about you. (to some of your) Do you think that it is acceptable to tuck out your school uniform or PE t-shirts the moment you leave the school compound? Some even blatently tucked out their shirts in school!

Remember, your Boys are observing you all the time, even when your are not in parade. They will form an opinion of you. So whether you win their respect is all in this opinion they have.

That's all for integrity, let's talk about leadership. As leaders leading your Boys, you are the listeners on the ground, constantly listening to the heart of the Boys. As leaders, we need to constantly evaluate the situation and see if we can do anything to improve further or sustain it. If there are things that your can do to improve the situation, feedback and talk to your primers and officers. We are here as one to run the Company, so we are also keen to listen to how our leaders think and feel as well.

Leadership will encompasses everything. It is not just our governance, its about inspiring everyone around us to live their lives just as we live. So in order to inspire and lead people, lets 'put' our lives correctly first. Only when we have a strong character, then we can lead people. Granted, some of your may argue that we are not perfect and may make mistakes, the key thing is that, with a aim of achieving a strong character, we know we need to apologize and seek forgiveness, move on again, and continue to build our character and influence.

I hope your can digest the information and get the gist of the story. Get the point that FM is not just any ordinary award. It is an award that will put you in limelight, especially in the eyes of your Boys. And by doing so, you start doing something that will inspire them to be a Founder's Men in a few years' time.

Remember to start today, and not tomorrow. And i will see your at the mock and (maybe) the evaluation test.

Serving the Company with you
Mr Bay

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PFM notice

Dear potential Founders' Men

As the date for the Founders Evaluation is drawing nearer, please go and read through the following content/subjects in preparation for your evaluation test.

Test Questions

1. Target

a. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) will be set based on the contents published in Pages 7 to 27 of the Seniors Programme Handbook for Boys (1st Publication in 2004, 2nd Publication in Feb 2005, 3rd Publication in May 2006 or 4th Publication in Dec 2007), which can be broadly categorised into:
i) BB Object, Motto and Logo
ii) BB History (International & Singapore)
iii) Organisation and Ranks
iv) BB Vesper and Table Grace
v) Uniform

b. Some sample MCQ questions:
i) What are the ranks for BB Officers?
ii) What is the name of the orchid which was named after The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore?

2. Adventure

a. Boys will be mainly tested via practical tests on this award. However, simple situational multiple choice questions may be set to test their knowledge. Boys should be able to do the following:
i) Plot on the topographical map the locations with the given 6-digit or 8-digit map grid references (MGRs) and identify the common legends on the map.
ii) Orientate yourself to the given bearing (in degrees) with a compass and walk to the required destination.
iii) Boys could be given practical or multiple choice questions to identify the compass directions. Boys are expected to know the 16 directions of the compass (e.g. North, Northeast, North-northeast, etc).
iv) Convert map distances to actual distances and vice versa with 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 or 1:10,000 map scales.
v) Demonstrate how to pack a bag for expedition with the given items.
vi) Demonstrate how to pitch a 2-men basha with the given equipment.
vii) Demonstrate the tying of the following knots and state their uses:-
(1) Clove hitch
(2) Reef knot
(3) Figure of eight
(4) Bowline
(5) Round turn and 2 half hitches
viii) Multiple choice questions or oral questions will be tested on the Country Code.

3. Drill

a. Boys will be assessed on the theory and practical contents for this award.

b. Multiple choice questions will be set based on the following contents given in the Drill Manual (Revised Edition in 2007):
i) Teaching formations (page 9)
ii) Definitions (pages 9, 11-12)
iii) 3 parts of a command (page 6)
iv) Rules for paying compliments (pages 60-61)

c. Practical ability in executing correctly the following drill movements:-
i) Attention
ii) At Ease
iii) Stand Easy
iv) Dressing
v) Stationary Turns - right, left, & about turn
vi) Stationary Salute
vii) Marching and Halting
viii) Wheeling Right & Left
ix) Mark Time & Halt
x) Falling Out and Dismissal
xi) Eyes Right & Left on the March

d. Boys may be asked to command the drill squads with respect to the drill movements listed in Part (c).

4. First Aid

a. This award will be assessed through oral examinations and practical demonstrations.

b. What is the ABC of first aid?

c. Demonstrate Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the recovery position.

d. Demonstrate rescue breathing.

5. Christian Education

a. No assessment will be done on this badge for the year of assessment 2008.

6. Community Service

a. No assessment will be done on this badge for the year of assessment 2008.

7. Citizenship

a. Multiple choice questions will be set based on the contents given in the Bronze Award for the Total Defence package from Ministry of Education (downloaded from the BB Officers Online Portal).

8. Life Skills

a. No assessment will be done on this badge for the year of assessment 2008.

9. Leadership Development

a. Prepare a 2-minute speech presentation on your role as a leader in your Company.

b. Submit a prepared written or typed script of your 2-minute speech presentation.

If your have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or sms me.

Serving this Company with you
Mr Bay