
Monday, April 27, 2009

Read for Knowledge

Origin of Salute

Saluting is one of the most common and basic forms of military courtesy. It is basically an exchange of greetings between military and/or uniformed service personnal.

The history of saluting has many pausible origins. Some believe that during the "Age of Chivalry" when two knights met, the raised their visors to expose their faces. This allowed the knights to recognise their allies from their enemies. The raising of visor always performed with the right hand. During the "Middle Ages", men wore heavy capes to conceal their swords. When two men greeted each other they would raise their right arm to show that it was not on the sword hilt. Greeting someone without raising your right arm could potentially mean that you were about to attack. During the days of the Borgians, assassination by using knife or dagger was common. When greeting someone the right hand was raised to show that the person was not concealing a dagger.

Saluting with the open hand indicated friendly intentions and can be traced back to the middle ages where travellers also held their open hands up inorder to indicate that they had no weapons in their possession capable of injuring others. It also dated back several hundred years to the days when fighting men wore armour. Thus, when outside the safety of walled castle, people often had to defend themselve. Therefore, as the knight rode through the forest, he rode with his hand near his sword. When he met someone he recognised as a friend, he raised his empty hand to show he was not challenging the person. This action was a sign of trust and respect. The present day salute is a symbol of greeting, of mutual trust and confidence, initiated by the junior in rank, but with no loss of dignity on either side.

There are other forms of salutes beside the hand salute such as the sword salute, gun salute and rifle salute. As these salutes signify gesture of friendship and comradeship.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Hi Boys

Just managed to hear the final/consolidated SYF results from the aesthetic CCAs. Its a very good result. Now its our time to work towards our own JMF GOLD!

Even as we strive towards our external gold, let us not forget our inner Gold as well. All i can say is major restructuring ahead. Some character build programmme(s) will be implemented/taught as well. Let's get ready to see a 'reconstructed' 45th.

Meanwhile study hard for your exams :)

Mr Bay


Hi Boys

Just managed to hear the final/consolidated SYF results from the aesthetic CCAs. Now its our time to work towards our own JMF GOLD!

Even as we strive towards our external gold, let us not forget our inner Gold as well. All i can say is major restructuring ahead. Some character build programmme(s) will be implemented/taught as well. Let's get ready to see a 'reconstructed' 45th.

Meanwhile study hard for your exams :)

Mr Bay

Friday, April 17, 2009

First Aid 2

For those who want to have a copy of FA2 slides, send me an email request ( & i will send the slides to you.

Instructor Ming Hao

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


To all platoon 2 out there,

pls be reminded that you're to finish and show me your assignment on Citizenship 2 this coming parade.
and remember the theme is about your learning point(s) & efforts in making the 5 aspects of TD part of your daily lives.

Remind the others about this and i dont want to see any last minute work.

Instructor Ming Hao

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BB Week Collection 2009

Hi Boys

This concern those who has not submitted their BB Week cards. You are to submit before this friday parade to MR CLEMENT TAN. Else...dun blame me if you stick to this current rank you are holding to when the next promotion come (in OCT).

For those who have put in effort, thanks so much for your hard work and punctuality. The excel sheet has very specific detail (ie who has given how much).

To the 2 who have collected $2 and $4. Are your trying to prove my judgement right? Is that really all your effort?

Mr Bay

Friday, April 10, 2009


Hi Gasper and Junhao

Deadline for FM Submission is next wednesday 15th April 2009. Please make it a point to go BBHQ either on wednesday or thursday to submit the file. Give yourself some time for HQ staff to check for any missing items and least your panic if there are missing items.

Mr Bay

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sec 2 Adventure Camp 2009

Daniel, Nicholas, Randall, Chen You and Kai Wen

Please keep June 15-18 free as your will be going for the sec 2 adventure camp conducted by XMS. For those who are not keen, please let either Mr chew or myself know.

Mr Bay

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BB Adventure Quest

Hellos everyone,

Sad to announce that the AQ team did not clinch the top 10 places and had fell far from our expectations.However, we definitely made it to the top 40 .Although we didnt achieve the best of results, we gained experiences through the race which after all, are what matters to us. The team bonding that we had, the teamwork that we shown and the FUN that we had definitely were great. There were times when we felt down, especially during the first leg when we were one of the last teams. We encouraged each other to move on and to push ourselves to the limits and we finally closed up the gaps and we won almost two thirds of the total number of teams. We knew that we didnt do well in the first leg, but we didnt give up, this is the spirit of sportsmen, and we definitely hope that you guys will have this spirit that your seniors had shown in the race, and that during parades and the camps ahead, you guys will perform your best. This race had proved to be a challenging one, and I hope that future AQ teams will do their best, participate FULLY in all trainings and to give it all they can in the AQ next year. Your seniors and captain had witness the team spirit of other schools. For example, St hildas, they exhibited a very great and strong team bonds and the cheerings that we heard were exemplary. Of course, we do not expect you guys to use drums and sticks to cheer for your fellow Boys, but a little encouragement does go a long way.

For those who did not get the chance to participate, you will get your chance next year. As for some people, I hope that your will change your attitude for the better. Next year's AQ team selection would definitely be strict due to certain things that happened this year, so that only people who are seriously interested can participate.

Your AQ ic,
Sgt Junkang

The 45th COY has acheived a SILVER HONOUR ROLL

Results of the AQ race for top 10 can be found at

"Come live with me and be my love, and we will some new pleasures prove, of golden sands, and crystal beaches, with silken lines and silver hooks..."

--John Dunne

Saturday, April 4, 2009

5th Uniformed Groups Bowling Championship

Gd'day people,

My second post. As what I briefed you guys on friday, there's this bowling competition going on on 5th June. Unfortunately, because it clashes with our june camp, we'll not open this competition to you guys so there will be no disruptions to the camp because of the competition.

You guys can do your own bowling competition after your exams. The winner may get a free meal from the losers. : )

That's all from me.

Your NICEST officer,
Mr Yap