
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Qualities that we look out for our Boys and Appointment Holders

hi Boys,


I hope that this post will paint a clearer picture of my expectation of NCOs in NCO Council.

1. Responsibility and ability to work independently. As a NCO, we entrust tasks to you. you must have the responsibility to carry it maturely, and independent of officers and instructors supervision (e.g. Wednesday trainings/parades).

2. Communication. It is important that you talk to your own Appointment Holders, platoon mates, seniors and juniors. Being able to gel people together is a MUST.

3. Team work. You must be able to carry out tasks with your fellow Appointment Holders. I expect your to be able to lead your juniors.

4. Initiative and an analytical mind. You must be able to think out of box. As a leader, you do not just follow. YOU LEAD. When you lead, you must be able to analyse what you are (potentially) doing and what potential problems there are. when presenting a problem to officers, you should be able to make a recommendation (aka solution) to the problem. As officers and instructors, WE MENTOR. That means that we help you to analyse your solutions/recommendations and help you to fine tune it. In the long run, running the company is part of your responsibility. IT IS YOUR IDENTITY AS WELL.

5. Creative time management. All of us live in Singapore. We are constantly bombarded with alot of things to do. As a leader, you MUST learn how to PRIORITISE the tasks you have on hand.

6. Boys above self. In 45th Company, we practise servant leadership. This means YOU SERVE AS YOU LEAD. For example, officers and instructors will ensure that Boys eat first before they eat. As for me, i ensure the whole company is eating, before i eat.

7. Be ready to sacrifice. No pain no gain. As a leader, you will be challenged in all ways. your studies, your free time and even your personal time with your loved ones. But in order to serve, you must be ready to make some sacrifices to some part of your time (e.g. for officers and council meeting).

8. Be humble and ready to submit. Men are sinful and have fallen short of God's glory. What we do may not be the best of all. Therefore, adopt a open heart and be willing to listen to constructive comments.

9. When you are in it, there is no way out. It's a race. You should adopt good sportmanship to run the race till the end. And trust me, when you look back from end point, you will be thankful that you ran for it.

10. Love God, love people. God created man. We are human AND we lead human. If we don't love the people under us, i think you have failed the fundamental responsibility as a leader in BB.

Hope this spells out more clearly about what i hope to see in YOU, BB Boys.
Today, you may be a boy. Tomorrow, you may be a leader in BB, but a few years down the road, when you lead people in organisations, remember what you have learnt today.

Mr Bay

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